Our business

Lipotechnica is an international, integrated energy company based in Estonia. Our aim is to be the leading operator on alternative energy in the Baltic region, and a company in an expansionary phase internationally. We are investing heavily in the development of new energy.

Lipotechnica is a leader in the rendering industry. We aim to manufacture, use and market clean burning fat. Lipotechnica is a proud producer of groundbreaking cost and enivronmental friendly Biofuel.

A permit is required from the regional Environmental Protection Agency office in order to burn fat as a fuel. Lipotechnica has obtained such permits to use fats as a fuel in a number of countries where Lipotechnica is developing related production facilities, even when replacing natural gas in non-attainment areas.

Fat is recognized as an alternative fuel by the Estonian Government. Fat is eligible for a $.50 per gallon incentive payment through the Internal Revenue Service. In addition to providing an alternative to escalating natural gas and petroleum costs, fat can help commercial customers improve their environmental stewardship practices and related community relations. 

HUMANFUEL - Energy for the future PDF Print E-mail

The researchteam at Lipotechnica has developed groundbreaking techniques of efficiently and economically production of a biofuel based on leftover products from liposuction. Making use of human medical waste products we are picking up the race with companies like ConocoPhillips making use of poultry fat - only our productline will have a nonviolent and high ecological profile.

Get thin - Go fast PDF Print E-mail

Forget the Middle East. Forget Statoil and their crude oil. If all goes as planned for the company Lipotechnica and their development, a part of the city's vehicles get their fuel from a greasy, yellowish liquid distilled from the remnants of liposuction.


Foodstock for Biodiesel

The Economist reported that the amount of corn raised for making ethanol has tripled in seven years. There is therefore less room for staple food products such as wheat and soy beans, which in turn raises the prices of those products. To fill up an SUV takes about as much corn as would be able to feed one person for an entire year.